Serious Work Injuries May Require Modified Work Duties

In Pennsylvania when you are injured, the employer is obligated to provide you with a list called the panel of physicians. The law requires that there be at least 6 doctors on that panel of physicians of different specialties, you have to pick from that list in the first 90 days. In other words if you want your medical bills to be paid you have to treat with one of those doctors. After 90 days you can choose any doctor you want and those bills must be paid provided that the treatment is related to your injury and reasonable and necessary.


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Social Security Disability – Navigating A Difficult Process

Nancy: Today on North Carolina Law TV, David Daggett, Injury and Disability Lawyer from Daggett Shuler Law out of Winston, Salem talks to us about social security disability. David: A worker has paid into that system and if they’re disabled that’s their insurance benefit if they become disabled. It’s not welfare. It’s something paid into […]


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Do I Need a Lawyer to Handle my Traumatic Brain Injury Claim?

Traumatic brain injury is any injury that causes an external mechanical force and creates brain dysfunction. There are various levels of traumatic brain injuries from very mild concussion like symptoms to very serious symptoms, life altering symptoms and even death. In more serious traumatic brain injuries you will see bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other […]


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