Dealing with Chronic Pain

Dealing with chronic pain can be very difficult not only physically but emotionally. In this video Henry Carus discusses some of the alternative treatments that he has seen work for his clients that are coping with chronic pain from an injury.


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Vulnerable Road Users – Who Are They? How To Keep Them Safe

Our system of roads have been designed primarily for cars and other 4-wheeled vehicles. Little attention in the past has been given to the safety of 2-wheeled vehicles such as motorcycles and bicycles and also with pedestrians. These members of the public are now being seen as vulnerable road users that need extra protection to ensure their safety on the roads. Legislation is being passed in Australia to provide that extra protection.


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Unfortunately, it’s true that motorcycle accidents are deadly. Federal statistics show that motorcyclists are 35 times more likely than drivers to die in a crash. However, statistics also show that most motorcycle crashes involving another vehicle are the other drivers fault, mainly because other drivers fail to see motorcycles until it’s too late. The results […]


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